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Monday, April 30, 2012

A Successful Dry Stone Wall Building Workshop

Dry stone wall building workshop in Killingworth, CT,
We wrapped up a successful dry stone wall building  workshop at around 4:30, Sunday afternoon, and for those who  could spare a few minutes , capped it with a round of Sam Adams’ Belgian Session brew.  And what an excellent workshop it was! These workshop participants worked really well together; a model of teamwork  and remarkable in their intent on ‘getting-it-right’. Katherine, Larry, Dennis, Ciaran, Dave, and assistant, Jay, were extremely focused on quality over quantity and they should be proud of the results they achieved building a dry stone wall.

Students demonstrate teamwork while learning how to build a dry stone wall.
Comments from Participants:
“Thanks for a great learning experience.  You are a very good instructor, Andrew; your professional experience really helps you explain/demonstrate concepts that will trip up even experienced wall builders.  Three on one, never one on three!  Thanks again!”

“I really enjoyed the two days learning from my mistakes… I was thinking about what, for me, makes the process of laying stone so special…there is a deliberative creativity in choosing the right shape.  And, laying stone on stone, finding the balance and adjusting to find a solid fitting has a meditative aspect. Now, I am delighted to learn about the two separate walls', rising together in measured steps, and with the use of heart stones that are firmly and deliberately packed, are united and made strong enough to last the ages. What  a perfect metaphor for friendship, marriage…any relationship. Really quite lovely!  Thank you.”

Another dry stone wall building workshop is scheduled for Fall 2012, on October 13th and 14th, . Those interested in attending a workshop can contact the Workshop Administrator at